Monday, June 10, 2013

The Final Countdown

As we being the last week of our adventures here in India, I couldn't be more pleased with how things have gone. I have a new sense of appreciate and gratitude that I didn't know was possible. Each part of the journey has taught me something new that I know I will carry back with me to the United States. These experiences will live forever in my heart and contribute to the man I am becoming. In the streets of New Delhi I experienced culture shock and was humbled to a level I never knew existed. In Pushkar, I learned about the power of relationships as well as gratitude. In Jaipur, I was exposed to the language of love. In Agra I made a lifelong friend who's respect I will always cherish. In Rishikesh I learned that the only way to get ahead in life was to take risk. Here in McLeod Ganj, I found that human connection is more meaningful than any amount of money or gift. Through the experiences of our group I have learned never to judge a book by its cover, or even the first few pages! These things and more will live in my heat forever.

The beauty of this trip is that although I am sad to leave India I am actually more excited to return home. These lessons learned have changed the course of my life already, but I know that the true effects of this journey wont be felt until that moment when I lay down in my bed for the first time. I wont truly be humble until I see someone boast about all that they have or all that they have done. In that moment i'll remember India and what the people here don't have or are unable to do. I wont truly be grateful until I hear someone back home complain about having too much of something, which happens daily. In that moment i'll remember how India has too little. I wont really value relationships until I hear about how much someone hates their family. In that moment i'll think about how many Indians never even got the chance to love their family. I could go on for days but you get the point. Leaving India isn't a conclusion for me but instead a new beginning. My eyes have been opened to many truths of the world and as we begin this last week, I am cherishing every second. As I walk these streets this last week, i'm no longer searching for gifts to buy but I am searching for wisdom to bring back. So just to be consistent with my other post i'll end with a quote, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." - Seneca

So yes my time in India is coming to a close, but my life of awakening has just begun.

Weh'yee "West" Barkon

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